محاضرات قسم اللغة الانكليزية للدراسات الاولية

Drama ( Dramatic Terms ) Compiled by: Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

Drama (elizabthan women)  Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

Drama ( English Drama and its Importance) Compiled by: Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

Drama ( English Renaissance Theatre) Compiled by: Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

Drama (shakespeare- an introducation ) Compiled by: Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

Drama ( The Source of Hamlet) Compiled by: Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

Drama ( Tragedy, Comedy and Tragi-Comedy: Part 1) Compiled by: Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

Drama ( Tragedy, Comedy and Tragi-Comedy: Part 2) Compiled by: Assist. Prof. Marwa Sami Hussein Assist. Lecturer Batool Taleb

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